Hibiscus, genus of plants, also commonly called rose mallows, of the mallow family. The genus is native to warm, temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere. The hibiscus flower is characterized by a five-pointed calyx (set of sepals) that is surrounded by a set of coloured bracts growing just beneath it, giving the appearance of a double calyx. The large, showy flowers have five petals, a column of fused stamens with kidney-shaped anthers, and several pistils. The fruit is a many-seeded, five-celled pod. hibiscus diseasesPropagation
Most tropical hibiscus were propagated by rooting/cuttings. Some varieties are easier than others to root. Many growers use a perlite rooting medium in plastic pots. using a rooting hormone usually helps and it is very important never to let the medium dry out. Putting 15 or 20 cuttings in a 6" pot is common and, depending on temperature and lighting conditions, these may root in 6 to 8 weeks. Warm temperatures, high humidity and adequate light are important. air-layering is also used for propagation.Scientific classification
The genus Hibiscus belongs to the family Malvaceae. Rose of Sharon is classified as Hibiscus syriacus, the Chinese hibiscus, or China rose, as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, and mahoe as Hibiscus tiliaceus. Cuban bast is classified as Hibiscus elatus, and the economically useful plant with yellow and purple-red flowers as Hibiscus macrophyllus.Types
There are many types (species) of Hibiscus. The most popular ones are:Fertilizer
Fertilize lightly and often -- hibiscus are heavy feeders. use fertilizers that include the trace elements such as iron, copper, boron, etc. a dry fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 is all right, however most growers prefer low phosphate fertilizer such as a 7-2-7, feeling that it helps produce the most impressive quality and quantity of blooms. Those so-called "bloom specials" with the 10-40-10 type of formula are avoided by most professional growers -- phosphorous can build up in the soil over time and cause a general decline in the health of tropical hibiscus plants. Over-use of high nitrogen fertilizers may encourage leaf growth rather than flower production. Water soluble fertilizers are good both for spraying leaves (foliar feeding) and for fertilizing potted plants. (High phosphorous water soluble fertilizers can be used successfully when applied as a foliar feeding.) Experiment and see what works well for your local growing conditions. Slightly acid soil (a pH of 6 to 7) helps the plant absorb nutrients. Hard water and proximity to things like concrete can move the pH in the wrong direction -- toward an alkaline pH.Punning
Pruning is used to shape future growth, invigorate old plants, manage plant size and get rid of diseased and dead wood. While the tropical hibiscus can be pruned any time, probably the ideal is the earliest where the resulting tender new growth will be safe from cold damage*. For shaping purposes, some growers will prune the longest third of the branches and return in 4 to 6 weeks and prune the next longest third. Only sharp, clean shears should be used. a clean cut should be just above and angled down and away from an "eye" or node. (a node is the junction of a leaf and the stem. There is a small bud in this junction that is activated after pruning.) Cutting above outward pointing "eyes" will encourage growth in that direction. The new growth resulting from pruning invigorates the plant and will provide a source for many new blooms.Insects
Insects, such as aphids, thrips, scale, whiteflies, etc. should be checked for frequently. Water plants thoroughly before using insecticides to lessen shock. It's usually best to apply in the early morning or in the evening when temperatures are below 80F degrees. When applying, both the tops and undersides of the leaves should be sprayed. Of course, follow the label directions. For most insect problems, Orthene, a systemic, is widely used. Cygon, another systemic, is often used against scale and other insects. Products containing imidacloprid are excellent for controlling whiteflies. Many people report that bounce fabric conditioner strips also discourage whiteflies. Soaps and dishwashing detergents (Soaps are preferable to detergents.) are also very useful as are certain types of oils, such as ultra Fine Oil, very good for whiteflies. Many report good results with neem products. WD40 or Pam, sprayed on the stem and branches and avoiding the leaves, are excellent for controlling scale. NEVER use liquid Malathion on hibiscus. For help in identifying your insect problem, please visit these two australian Web sites --- one and two. For great information on insecticides, visit this uF page. Here's a page dealing with the pink mealy bug.
Hawaiian Hibiscus Flower :)

Hibiscus, Hibiscus Flower Pictures, Rose of Sharon
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Posted by i KiLl y0u at 4:25 PM 39 comments
Labels: chinese hibiscus flowers
Hawaii State Flower
Pua Aloalo Hibiscus brackenridgei The hibiscus, all colors and varieties, was the official Territorial Flower, adopted in the early 1920s. At statehood in 1959, the first state legislature adopted many of Hawaii's symbols as part of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS, state laws). It wasn't until 1988, however, that the yellow hibiscus which is native to the islands was selected to represent Hawaii. For this reason, you will see many older photos and postcards with the red hibiscus, or any other color for that matter, as the state flower. These weren't incorrect at the time. Click on the image below to print out a hibiscus that you can color any way you like! |
Posted by i KiLl y0u at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: hawaii state flowers, hibiscus
What are the Different Kinds of Hawaiian Hibiscus Flowers?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Most plants native to Hawai'i are actually relatively mundane in appearance, with little of the flair associated with Hawaiian Hibiscus flowers. The tropical environment and rich volcanic soil on the islands, however, provides an ideal growing location for a wide range of important plants. It is these, rather than truly "Hawaiian Hibiscus flowers", which capture the imaginations of most people.
There are three well-known native orchids to Hawai'i: the jewel orchid, the twayblade, and the fringed orchid. All three of these orchid varieties (anoectochilus, liparis, and platanthera) are sticky-leaved, with dull colored flowers, and are rather unimpressive to look at.
A number of hibiscus varieties are also native to Hawai'i. These come in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, pink, and red, in a number of exotic shades and shapes. Native varieties of hibiscus have local common names such as koki'o ke'oke'o, ma'o hau hele, and koli'o.
The most popular import to the Hawaiian islands is undoubtedly the bird of paradise flower. The variety most often found on the islands is also known as a crane lily (strelitzia reginae). The tender yellow-orange petals, coupled with shimmering blue and green, make for one of the most striking visual images found in the botanical world.
Hardly a bouquet or lei is created on any of the islands without including a dendrobium orchid of some species or another. Most commonly, one will run across dendrobium wasselii, a small orchid with pure white blossoms that make it ideal for complimenting more colorful blooms. Dendrobium come in all colors, however, ranging from the blood-orange hued dendrobium unicum to the tender pink of dendrobium aphyllum. There are over a thousand species of dendrobium orchids, and in one form or another, virtually all may be found on the islands of Hawai'i.
Hardly less common in Hawaiian decorative arrangements are anthurium. The assortment of shapes have helped these flowers gain massive popularity. From vibrant red heart-shaped anthurium, to long tulip-shaped pale purple flowers, anthurium offer a delicate counterpoint to orchids in a bouquet, or may act as a stand-alone piece, particularly in shorter arrangements. A relatively small selection of the anthurium genus is found on the Hawaiian islands — some fifty or so of the more than eight-hundred total species.
Proteas are found more rarely, though they are still surprisingly common for being introduced relatively recently. Their wide blooms are less romantic than orchids or anthurium, and less magical than the mysterious bird of paradise, but there is a simple charm to them that guarantees them a place in Hawaiian hibiscus flower bouquets for a long time to come.
Leis are most commonly made using orchids, because of their versatility and range of colors. Sometimes carnations may be added to the orchids to lend their fragrance to the lei. More traditionally, leis are sometimes made using only ti leaf, with little or no floral adornment.
There are of course many more flowers to be found on the islands of Hawai'i — including lava flowers, heliconia, Hawaiian ginger, and virtually every other tropical plant in the world. Hawai'i has become, like so many of the world's tropical islands, a haven for every manner of exotic bloom, helping to add to its reputation as the jewel of the Pacific.
Posted by i KiLl y0u at 5:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: hawaii state flowers, hawaiian hibiscus flower, hawaiian island
Hibiscus Flowers Of Hawaii
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Posted by i KiLl y0u at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: hibiscus
Monday, October 19, 2009

Posted by i KiLl y0u at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bird of Paradise, hawaiian hibiscus flower, Orchids, White plumeria (Frangipani).
Hawaiian hibiscus
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hawaiian hibiscus are the seven known species of hibiscus regarded as native to Hawaiʻi. Although tourists regularly associate the hibiscus flowerwith their experiences visiting the US state of Hawaiʻi, and the plant family Malvaceae includes a relatively large number of species that are native to the Hawaiian Islands, those flowers presented to or regularly observed by tourists are generally not the native hibiscus flowers. Most commonly grown as ornamental plants in the Islands are the Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) and its numerous hybrids. The native plants in the genus Hibiscus in Hawaiʻi are thought to have derived from four independent colonization events: two for the five endemic species (four closely related species plus the yellow-flowered species) and one each for the two indigenous species.[1] The native hibiscus (genus Hibiscus) found in Hawaiʻi are: In addition to the species of Hibiscus listed above, there are several other related Hawaiian plants of the family Malvaceae whose flowers resemble Hibiscus flowers, although are generally smaller. The endemic genus, Hibiscadelphus, comprises seven species described from Hawaiʻi. Three of these are now thought to be extinct and the remaining four are listed as critically endangered or extinct in the wild. Another endemic genus, Kokia, comprises four species of trees. All but one (K. kauaiensis) are listed and either extinct or nearly extinct in the wild. Three endemic species of the pantropical genus, Abutilon occur in Hawaiʻi: A. eremitopetalum, A. menziesii, and A. sandwicense; all are listed as endangered. Cotton plants (Gossypium spp.), whose bright yellow flowers are certainly hibiscus-like, includes one endemic: G. tomentosum, uncommon but found in dry places on all the main islands except Hawaiʻi. The widespread milo (Thespesia populnea) is an indigenous tree with yellow and maroon flowers.Native species
[edit]Other Malvaceae
[edit]External links
Posted by i KiLl y0u at 5:34 AM 0 comments