Hawaiian Hibiscus Flowers (Hibiscus brackenridgei) is the state flower of Hawaii. Hawaiian hibiscus flowers is a moderately popular ornamental flower in Hawaii. Hawaiian hibiscus shrubs bear blooms almost every day, but the blossoms last only for a day even when on the bush. The striking and beautiful yellow Hawaiian hibiscus flowers is also known as the pua aloalo or ma'o hau hele in the Hawaiian language. There are many online florists who deliver flowers to Hawaii. You can send flowers, plants of your choice to your loved ones living in Hawaii or from Hawaii to other locations across the United States of America through these popularHawaii Online Florists. The Flower Expert Shop recommends the following products for all your special occasions, You can view the entire Exclusive Hawaii collection available for any occasion at our Hawaii Online Flower Shop. Although, the hibiscus (a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms) is associated with the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and the plant family Malvaceae includes a variety of species that are native to the Hawaiian Islands, those flowers regularly observed are generally not the native hibiscus flowers. The Hawaiian hibiscus flowers are full, conspicuously large and bright yellow with a prominent staminal tube surrounding the long and slender style. There are 2 subspecies in the Hawaiian hibiscus group. The yellow Hawaiian hibiscus flower that comes under this species is the official state flower of Hawaii. The large Hawaiian hibiscus flowers are 4 to 6 inches in diameter. Hawaiian hibiscus flowers are yellow, generally with a maroon center, and form singly or in small clusters at the ends of the branches.The staminal column of the Hawaiian hibiscus flowers is yellow, and the flowers open between 2 and 4 p.m. and close between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.The Hawaiian hibiscus has become endangered in its natural habitat.Facts About Hawaiian hibiscus Flowers
Facts About Hawaii
Hawaii's capital city is Honolulu. Hawaii attained statehood on August 21, 1959. The origin of Hawaii's name could be based on the native Hawaiian word for homeland, Owhyhee. Hawaii state Motto is Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono meaning The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
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Hawaii State Flower - Hawaiian Hibiscus Flowers
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fresh, beautiful arrangements that will remind your beloved just how much you love!
The world's longest island chain, the Hawaii Islands, is 1,523 miles long.
Posted by i KiLl y0u at 5:30 AM
Labels: hawaii state flowers, hawaiian hibiscus flowers, Hawaiian hibiscus shrubs, hawaiian island
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